
  • Welcome to MyZEISS

    Where you'll find everything you need for your business. 24/7. On any device. Make yourself at home.

  • ZEISS PhotoFusion X Lenses

    Photochromics re-envisioned.

    Offer your customers photochromic lenses with unique blue light protection.

My Marketing Toolboxes
  • PhotoFusion X Marketing Toolbox

    Access a vast collection of eye-catching marketing tools that will help you to communicate the benefits of ZEISS PhotoFusion X Lenses to your customers.

  • SmartLife Marketing Toolbox

    Create your individual 360 ° marketing campaign in only a few steps and attract new customers.

  • DriveSafe Marketing Toolbox

    Share with your customers how these lenses can support them on the road.

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    Tested by ISO 21702:2019(E) for enveloped viruses and tested by ISO 22196:2011(E) for Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Efficacy proven after 24 hours as defined by ISO standards. Effect is limited to the size of the lens.